"Salvador, Bahia; African territory; I'm from Bahia; is that you; it's us....."
A save to Salvador, capital of Bahia, and the first capital of Brazil! You come to visit us, you can come, you can ...
"Welcome to Salvador, the heart of Brazil. Land of party people and beautiful people; the land of the Lord of Bonfim, is also the land of the white mulatto; and black doctor, it is earth where everyone shines; whether a lieutenant or a fisherman's son. In this city everyone is d'Oxum, man, boy, girl, woman. "
The city that spreads magic, ax and radiates joy, is translated into the beautiful compositions of Dorival Caimmy, the music of Caetano and Gil, samba de roda, the rhythm of Axé and Candomblé which is one of the strongest cultural and religious expressions of Salvador and Bahia. Not to mention the delights of regional foods.